Finding Your Place

Building confidence, making friends, taking your first steps into a community and finding your place in it: "It's like an awakening when the children we are lucky enough to care for begin to discover themselves and the world around them in their own way."


Our sincere interest in the children shows us the path to take with them. Without pressure, resonating in a relaxed, loving atmosphere—this is precisely what lets us reach them. It is also what makes our work special: we take the time we need to engage with each child individually. In this way, we discover and encourage the children’s’ potential to express as well as to understand themselves.


Children learn most intensively in the first years of life. Every perception stimulates them to imitate. The kindergarten is designed in such a way as to provide meaningful stimulation for children in need of soul care. The children practice observing and exploring. They imitate what the educators do. By playing and working with natural materials, they learn to feel at home in the world. Repetitive activities and experiences in the course of the day, week, and year give the children security and orientation.

Therapies support the special education efforts. An individual therapy plan is created for each child in cooperation with the Karl Schubert School’s therapists and school doctor.

Daily Schedule

  • Imaginative free play
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Singing, making music, dancing, finger and movement games
  • Shared, homemade snack
  • Playing in the garden
  • Fairy tales, stories, or puppet show
  • Lunch (whole foods, freshly prepared in our kitchen)
  • Quiet time
  • Crafting and playing with natural materials
  • Saying goodbye


Our staff consists of 6 teachers and assistants as well as one Voluntary Social Year worker. With currently twelve children, this results in a supervision ratio of 2:1.


  • Montag bis Freitag von 07:45 bis 14:00 Uhr

Vegetarian snacks and lunch prepared fresh in our school kitchen are available for the students.

Vacation schedule and days off for the 2022/23 school year

First day of kindergarten

Monday, 07.08.2023

Maria Himmelfahrt

Dienstag, 15.08.2023

Austrian National Holiday

Donnerstag, 26.10.2023


Montag, 30.10.2023


Dienstag, 31.10.2023

All Saints' Day

Mittwoch, 01.11.2023

Immaculate Conception

Freitag, 08.12.2023

Early closing (12:00 pm)

Freitag, 22.12.2023

Christmas vacation

Samstag, 23.12.2023 bis Fr. 05.01.2024

Early closing (12:00 pm)

Freitag, 22.03.2024

Easter vacation

Samstag, 23.03. bis einschl. Mo. 01.04.2024

Public holiday

Mittwoch, 01.05.2024

Ascension Day

Donnerstag, 09.05.2024


Freitag, 10.05.2024

Whit Monday

Montag, 20.05.2024

Corpus Christi

Donnerstag, 30.05.2024

Early closing (12:00 pm)

Freitag, 12.07.2024

Summer vacation

Samstag, 13.07. – So. 04.08.2024

First day of kindergarten

Montag, 05.08.2024