Support Through Therapy
When children recognize that they can communicate in their own way and are understood, they try out ever more new things. Music is a good way to express oneself and to show how one is feeling. What’s more, music can have a healing effect. But there are many other therapies that help us to address the diverse natures of "our" children.

Eurythmy Therapy
The basic elements of eurythmy therapy are the sounds of our language as transformed into movement, which are specifically applied depending on the indication and therapeutic objective. In a healthy person, the forces of the physical, soul, and spiritual levels work harmoniously together. An illness is a disturbance of this constellation of forces. Focused eurythmy therapy exercises bring these levels back into a healthy balance.

Music Therapy
Physical, soul, and musical breathing combine in music to form a whole. In the therapeutic approach, music addresses the scope of soul experience, stimulates the creative abilities, and has a regulating effect on the interrelationships between the organs.
Since it is possible to have a musical experience even in reduced states of consciousness, this therapy helps to promote understanding, the ability to experience, and communication on a non-linguistic level. In addition, it helps to stimulate the hearing process and the ability to concentrate, as well as to facilitate movement processes.
Rhythmic Massage
Rhythmic massage is a treatment method used in anthroposophic medicine. Working together with the physician Ita Wegmann, Rudolf Steiner combined his ideas with existing methods employed in conventional medicine. The goal of anthroposophic medicine is to activate the patient's natural powers to heal themselves. To this end, anthroposophy makes use of natural remedies and various other forms of treatment.
In rhythmic massage, the basic techniques of classical massage are supplemented by various elements. For example, all massage techniques are performed rhythmically, as a result of which they transition smoothly and harmoniously from one to another. The intensity of touch is correlated to the respective medical condition. In addition, special massage oils are used, which include healing substances developed according to anthroposophic principles.

Physiotherapy aims to detect dysfunctions within our body and to return it to its physiological and mobile state. It helps to guide movements, encourages the body and mind to become active, and has a therapeutic influence on diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
Furthermore, it corrects imbalances in the sensory and perceptual system and stimulates the vegetative system in its ability to effect stable self-regulation.
Speech Therapy
Language has creative and healing powers. It can enhance our life, soul, and spirit. Through therapeutic speech therapy, the lost inner connection to language can be rediscovered. It serves as basis for forming correct articulation, the rhythmization of the breathing process, as well as vocal treatment.
Therapeutic speech formation is used not only for speech, language, and vocal disorders, but also for physical, psychosomatic, and functional conditions, developmental disorders, as well as in remedial education and social therapy.
Speech, language, voice, swallowing, and hearing disorders are treated in speech therapy. Especially in the areas of motor and myofunctional swallowing and articulation, speech formation and speech therapy complement one another.
Movement exercises bring these areas back into a healthy balance.